Web forums offer citizens way to seek change

Published 10:42 pm Saturday, September 26, 2009

After trying to deal with the Perry Township Trustees over the dumping of gravel along a township road, I began to realize other residents may have hit the same bumpy road.

I am starting CCOG (Concerned Citizen’s Observancy Group) in regards to Perry Township.

I cannot attend the meetings myself, but am interested in getting in touch with other citizens who would like to help change politics at the local level for the better of our communities. I have two groups online which I am in the process of setting up should anyone wish to join.

Email newsletter signup

Yahoo Group: Perrytwpforum CCOG Perry Township Lawrence County, Ohio


Facebook Group:

Perry Township, Lawrence County, OH Citizen’s Forum


Any citizen who complains about the way government works, can help us start at the local level to make the changes now!

Posts are monitored before being published on the web for content and pertinence to the goal of the group.

If enough people join, I hope to let citizens submit problems to the group for review. These must have validity in the form of photos, reports, etc. Foul language and abusing others will not be permitted.

The group is to be courteous, respectful and mindful of other viewpoints. I am also looking for copies of their general budget and minutes.

Jeanette Windhorst

South Point