Candidate unveils plan in Ironton

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 3, 2006

Tim Ginter says that he has a plan that could reverse an economic downturn in the district he hopes to represent, a plan that he recently promoted in Ironton.

The Republican hopeful for the congressional seat soon to be abandoned by Ted Strickland has unveiled his “Come Home” program, his solution to the economic problems of the U.S. House of Representative’s 6th District.

“I believe home means a lot to the people of this district,” Ginter said. “Because of that, we see that the home all up and down this district seems to almost be under attack. We want to once again make the home and the family strong and secure, and cause the people to once again dwell in a secure and safe environment.”

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Ginter is running against two other Republicans vying for the same seat: Noble County Commissioner Danny Harmon

and Chuck Blasdel, State House Speaker Pro Tempore.

His “Come Home” plan includes some ambitious changes, including the creation of a Rural America Committee in Congress that would introduce legislation designed to help rural areas and the creation of three tax-free zones in the district.

“I think that the tax free zones, encouraging business to come onto the district, is very dependent upon that Rural District Committee, being able to represent the needs of districts like our own on the floor,” Ginter said. “I don’t know that any of the tenants could stand alone, I think they all stand together as a package.”

The platform also pushes tenants about personal values, from protecting traditional marriage to refusing to fund embryonic stem cell research. There’s also a security aspect, including securing American borders.

“The home and the family is the foundation of our society,” Ginter said. “One of the things that has made America so strong is the strength of our family unit. If those continue to be hammered away at, we’re going to lose much of the foundational strength of our nation.”

He presented his plan to Ironton business and community leaders last week at the city center. Jack Borders, director of the Greater Lawrence County Area Chamber of Commerce, was one of those on hand.

While he said that his group was not endorsing a candidate, Borders did say that Ginter made for a compelling speaker.

“It sounded good, but it’s kind of hard to judge, I’m no expert as to exactly what the issues are,” Borders said. “But from the basis of a speaker he was very good, very smooth.”

Ginter knows that large position papers like “Come Home” often stay just that: a position. But he said he believes that this is truly a program worth acting on.

“I believe it is a workable plan,” Ginter said. “I think it’s thinking out of the box, but I think that’s what our district needs. We need some big steps.”

The full text of the “Come Home” plan is available on his Web site: