Sayre plans to be full-time state representative
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Harold Sayre says he will be a full-time representative for the 89th District.
"I have no other job," he said. "I will work tirelessly to advocate for our interests. I will either be in Columbus serving the area, or I will be in a local office with specified hours. I will be very visible and accessible."
Sayre said his main concerns are economic development, education and protecting and providing for senior citizens.
"We need to work on legislation that will provide good-paying jobs," he said. "We need to provide proper and equal education in the state and train people for jobs to keep people in our area."
To stimulate economic development, Sayre said tax breaks must be expanded and low-interest loans must be provided.
Besides bringing new business to the area, existing local businesses need help expanding, he said. A problem that Sayre said is driving business out of southern Ohio is the high cost of health insurance.
However, education is also a way to stimulate growth, he said.
"Education goes hand-in-hand with jobs," he said. "We need a strong workforce. We owe our children the best education in the state and the nation so they can compete.
"It's important for students to be successful," he said. "They need the best education and the best facilities."
Sayre said he is opposed to using public funding for charter schools.
"Many of the charter schools are failing," he said during a forum at Ohio University Southern. "We need to put the money back in public schools where it belongs."
He said this funding opens the doors for private colleges to ask for public assistance.
Sayre said he also wants to protect senior citizens.
"Senior citizens have worked most of their lives and they continue to serve our society well," he said. "We need to protect them against crime, such as identity theft.
"They also need insurance help," he continued. "They shouldn't have to choose between buying groceries and buying medicine."
Sayre said his experience as a teacher, coach, principal and superintendent will serve him well in Columbus. He also has held other leadership positions such as being on the district athletic board and behind the chairman of the St. Jude Bike-A-Thon
"All of my life, I've served people," he said. "I have a vast wealth of experience."